Keith Millar
Board Treasurer

Until 2018, my forty year career in accountancy has led me to be involved in preparing and auditing accounts of many businesses of all sizes and in many sectors, including charity accounts.

After a 4 year retirement my lifetime interest in first aid got a bit more serious when I joined the Scottish Ambulance Service, doing a job l absolutely love - and still am.

In 2021 | met our Chair, Daniel Wood, and the next thing I knew I was involved as an advanced first aider in Scotia Medical Group, now FREC3, enabling me to have another hobby that I love and am passionate about. The other main one is Scouting, where I have been a leader, commissioner and trainer for over forty years, being a charity Trustee for many of those. I am now Treasurer and Trustee of my local Scout District.

I hope some of that accounting and boardroom experience can assist Scotia Medical Group flourish as an event first aid provider, helping people in their time of trouble and potentially saving lives. I'm looking forward to it.